Lægerne Bagsværd Nord
Leander, Nielsen og Sederberg-Olsen
Speciallæger i Almen Medicin
Tlf. 44 98 50 00
Vadstrupvej 35 D, 1. sal - 2880 Bagsværd - Fax 44985007
Åbningstider: man-ons 8-15 tors 8-17.30 fre 8- 13. Konsultation efter aftale.
Telefontider: Sygeplejerske 8-9:30 Sekretær 8-12
You can still see your doctor during the Covid-19 epidemic.
However, you must first make an appointment. Please call:
(+45) 44 98 50 00
The clinic is open during the epidemic, but we do some things differently. We take precautions to protect you and your family from coronavirus.
Always call the clinic
You cannot come to the clinic without an appointment. Therefore, you must call us at
44 98 50 00
to make an appointment.
Video consultation
As soon as possible, we will make video consultation available to our patients. You can download the app "Min læge" from App Store eller Google Play.
If you have symptoms of Covid-19
If you have symptoms of coronavirus infection, we will not be able to see you at the clinic. We will do our best to help you via phone or video consultation. You must avoid contact with others until 48 hours after you feel completely well.
You may read further at the Danish Health Authorities' website: https://sst.dk/da/corona/.
Contacting the secretary in person - please come after phone-hours, that end at 12 noon
4 parkingplaces in front of the house + 1 disabled parking.
Otherwise - on the opposite side of the street
Recommended links
Sundhed.dk Main entrance to the Danish health system
Patienthåndbogen Updated site on all diseases and conditions in Danish
Medicinhåndbogen Updated site an all drugs in Danish
Sexsygdomme.dk Good info on some of the downsides to sex in Danish
Netpsykiater.dk Psychiatrics site - Danish
Sportnetdoc.dk Sports - injuries, great site on treatment (also Danish)
Kommunen Gladsaxe kommunes sundhedstilbud
Important phonenumbers
Lægevagten 3869 3869 From 2014: use 1813
Herlev Hospital 3868 3868
Gentofte Hospital 3977 3977
Glostrup Hospital 3386 3386
Gladsaxe Kommune 3957 5000